Exploding Seagulls, Inflatable Boy Clams, Theatre of Sheep and a lot of other bands that don’t have animal related names, but don’t worry, you probably haven’t heard of these bands either (unless you’re a fan of Rochelle Rosenthal & The Kickball Queen or Androids of Mu, which if so…awesome!) Tune in for a heady stew of Post-Punk, Exotica, oddball Country and more genres with which you can cite to impress the music nerd in your life (even if that’s just yourself).
Songs Played
- Disturbed Furniture “Information” [b/w Alors Allez] 1981
- Snatch “All I Want” [b/w When I’m Bored] 1978
- Juliette Gréco “Sous Le Ciel De Paris” [Sous Le Ciel De Paris] 1958
- Cherry Laine “The Sea-Fare Folk (Hey-Ho And Up She Rises)” [b/w You Are The Song] 1979
- The Stroke Band “Green And Yellow” [Green And Yellow] 1978
- Archangel “Atomic Letter ” [b/w Barrier] 1976

- Inflatable Boy Clams “Skeletons” [Inflatable Boy Clams] 1981
- The Turks “I’m A Fool” [b/w I’ve Been Accused] 1956
- Pink Section “Tour Of China” [b/w Shopping] 1979
- The Romancers “My Heart Cries” [b/w Tell Her I Love Her] 1965
- Tito “El Hijo” [Quetzalcoatl] 1977
- The Dean Brothers “Mars” [As They Are] 1974

- Theatre of Sheep “Still Life” [A Cathartic Aquacade] 1983
- Florence Baker “Chocolate Ice Cream Cone” [b/w Eliah The Camel] 1949
- The Ardels “But I Love You” [b/w So Glad You’re Mine] 1965
- The Luxury Item “Trade” [b/w Brenda Cries Her Eyes Out] 1977
- The Band A.K.A. “Steppin´ Out” [b/w New Beginning] 1981
- Screamin’ Sirens “Running Kind” [b/w Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad] 1984
- The Twins & Rig Veeda “Creep” [A Banana Fish On The Moon] 1986
- I always forget to say a song every week– this week it’s this one!
- Caretakers “Epic” [b/w East Side Story] 1968
- My Dad is Dead “The Quiet Man” […And He’s Not Gonna Take It Anymore] 1986
- Mlle Lucienne Boyer “Parlez-Moi D’Amour” [b/w Dans La Fumée] 1930

- Androids of Mu “Atomic X” [Blood Robots] 1980
- The record label is Fuck Off Records. Hilarious!
- Harry Revel & Leslie Baxter & Dr. Samuel J. Hoffman “Lunar Rhapsody” [Music Out Of The Moon: Music Unusual Featuring The Theremin] 1947
- Unit 4 “Hidden Faces” [FM-BX Society Tape 001] 1981
- The Bandido Family “Fuzzy Guzzies Funky Fuzzy Wawa” [Playing Em’ Our Way] 1977
- Nino Nardini “Morning Dew” [Nature – Nocturne] 1976
- I.U.D. “Precious” [Precious / Charm / Bon Appetit] 1981
- The Guffey Family “Half Of My Mother Is Gone” [My Treasured Memories] Date Unknown
- Minimal Man “Loneliness” [The Shroud Of] 1981

- Chikkin “I’m Not A Sin” [Which Came First?] 1978
- Exploding Seagulls “Johnny Runs For Paregoric” [b/w Take Me To The Cinema] 1980
- The News “Mr. Spider Jones” [b/w The Boy Who Only Smiles] 1967
- Anthony Newley “Idle On Parade” [Sings Four Songs From The Sound Track To The Film Idle On Parade] 1959
- Grýlurnar “Gullúrið” [Grýlurnar] 1981
- The Executives “I’ll Always Love You” [b/w The Ginza Strip] 1967
- Rochelle Rosenthal & The Kickball Queen “Lottery” [b/w Darryl Bowden & The Kickball Queen “You Don’t Know”] Date Unknown