Unnerving 50’s country, psychedelic witches, Korean girl group funk, 1940s odes to weed, bible thumping bears and more! You know, it’s Esoteria: Expect the unexpected!
Song Played
- Big Dipper “Faith Healer” [Boo-Boo]
- Mad Mike & The Maniacs “The Hunch” [b/w Quarter To Four]
- Bridget Harrison “A Double Decker Bus” [The House Of Music]
- Diana Darrin “Little Gun, Little Me” [b/w Lost Love]
- Kuniko Yamada “Tetsugaku Shiyo” [山田邦子 – セカンド – 贅沢者]
- Trúbrot “Am I Really Livin?” [….Lifun ]

- The Parker Family “Don’t Ride The Pink Pony” [b/w Teen Age Letter From Jail]
- Julia Lee & Tommy Douglas’ Orchestra “Sweet Marijuana” [b/w Dream Lucky Blues]
- Mr. Sad Head “I’m High” [b/w Hard Luck And Traveling]
- Patty Stanton with the Film City Orchestra “Beer Can Drag” [7″ Single]
- These Vizitors “For Mary’s Sake” [b/w Happy Man]
- Recruits “Three Squeezes (The Mirror And Me)” [Three Squeezes]
- Chuck Wagon “Rock ‘N’ Roll Won’t Go Away” [b/w The Spy In My Face]
- Eddie Noack “Psycho” [b/w Invisible Stripes]
- Bread And Beer Band (aka Conrad’s Foot) “The Letter” [b/w Mellow Yellow]
- The Happy Dolls “Funky Stuff” [Show Album No.1 ]

- Nnamdi Ogbonnaya “Cindy Oso” [Drool]
- The Fanatics “For You” [b/w Good Men]
- Julie Felix “My Electric Angel” [b/w I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine]
- Floyd Robinson “Unbearable” [Barney The Bear Sings Bible Stories]
- Beverly Shaffer “Where Will You Be Boy” [b/w Even The Score ]
- Rosalba Archilletti “Voglio Sentire La Tua Voce” [b/w E’ Primavera]
- The Pennypipers “Penelope” [b/w Penelope]
- Fred Rothert “Open Secret” [Fred Rothert]
- John Paul Young “Ermie Has Feelers” [The Life Of Ermie Scub]
- Martian Symphony Orch. ” Martian Melody” [b/w Buchanan And Goodman “Flying Saucer The 2nd”]
- Shelby Flint “Angel On My Shoulder” [b/w Somebody]
- Clifford Coulter “Worry Later” [Do It Now, Worry ‘Bout It Later ]
- Blue Mathue “Perfect Pictures” [Perfect Pictures ]
- Urszula Dudziak “Papaya” [Urszula]
- Little Free Nights “Roman Summer Nights” [Little Free Nights]

- Barbara, The Gray Witch “Witch’s Love Song” [Barbara, The Gray Witch.]
- Kelly Harrell Accomp. By Henry Whitter “I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago” [b/w Wild Bill Jones]
- William Sheller “Couleurs” [b/w Les 4 Saisons]
- The Darelycks “Wait For Me” [b/w Bad Trip]

- Sparkle Moore “Flower Of My Heart” [All American Rock’n’Roll From Fraternity Records]